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Raw to Eden Diet


rawdietDuring years of trying and continuously developing the raw-food lifestyle, we came across many people with lots of experience. Their findings helped us to understand benefits and drawbacks of the different kinds of raw diets that we found. Many encouraging experiences as well as problems we faced, moved us on. We tried to link it with biblical principals to come as closely as possible to the original given to our first parents in Eden by our creator.

We learned initially from Dr. Norman Walker's books and his beautiful experiences. We also benefited from Ann Wigmore's green juices, especially the wheatgrass juice. Then we studied Dr. Dough Graham's book "The 80/10/10 Diet". We embraced it with great joy. It was a missing link, and answered many of our questions.

fruits and greensAfter learning and trying them all through the years, we developed a menu plan, which works for us very well. We moved from our high-fat raw vegan gourmet diet to a low-fat raw vegan diet. We believe, that we are designed to eat fruits, as our gut has the same length as frugivores animals. Frugivores are creatures that live primarily of fruits, with the addition of tender greens. This includes the non-sweet seeded fruits like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, okra, zucchini, squashes and some others. Our bodies are designed to thrive on a diet of mainly fruits, with an addition of dark green leafy vegetables. They provide other nutrients essential for optimal health.

We were designed to process the soft, water-soluble fibers in the fruits and the tender green leaves, almost exclusively. It is true that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are loaded with nutrients including soluble fiber, but they also contain cellulose and other tough, difficult-to-digest fibers. These vegetables are best digested when eaten in their most tender state. For best results, they must be thoroughly chewed or mechanically "predigested" with the use of a blender or a shredding device.

avocadoTo have a healthy amount of fat we add an occasional piece of an avocado or a small amount of nuts and seeds to complement our natural carbohydrate based diet. When we include these additional fats in a meal we tend to blend them into the dressing for the tender greens, as fats eaten at the end of a meal tend to delay digestion. To facilitate the digestion of the nuts and seeds it is helpful to soak them in water prior to using and not to eat them as a snack or desert after a meal.

So, what does our meal plan look like?

The more simple our diet, the better it is. We eat a good variety throughout the year, however not in a day or a week! We prepared a meal plan for a normal "western" person living in the northern hemisphere. Of course, the diet looks different in a more tropical climate. The more south you go, the more you can depend on fresh fruits. This will be even better for your health. People living in those climates are truly blessed. People in the more northern regions have more seasonal fruits in summer and fall. The rest of the year many fruits tend to be more expensive or are not available. But there is a solution for this too, besides going on a long vacation into the tropics. Here come the fresh vegetable juices, from carrots and other vegetables, especially the green leafy vegetables, as well spouts and not to forget the incredible variety of wild growing edible herbs. They also furnish our bodies with the minerals, enzymes and vitamins in abundance. So you do not have to start cooking in the colder climates. Living in southern Europe, we eat mostly fruits and an abundance of tender greens during the summer. Since in the winter we do not have that many fruits available, we drink plenty of vegetable juices, smoothies and we also spout during that time.

This meal plan works very well for us:

At awakening:

7:00 AM

  • lemon juice1l warm water with the juice of 1 lemon
7:30 AM
  • About 1l smoothie (Banana + one other fruit + a good amount of greens)
  • Or/and a mono fruit meal (one of the kinds of fruits you used in the smoothie till you are satisfied)
Before lunch:
  • 1l fresh vegetable juice (carrots with spinach or other greens)
  • Possibly wheatgrass juice (30-60 ml)
  • Or one kind of a watery fruit in sufficient amount
13:00 PM
  • A good-sized salad (not more than 2-3 ingredients)
  • In the wintertime possibly including a handful of sprouts
  • As a dressing we often blend one of the fruity ingredients that we included in the salad in sufficient amount to get a smooth texture and use a piece of celery as salt substitute, as it is very rich in minerals and possibly a citrus fruit. Sometimes we use a very small amount of nuts, seeds or avocado in water till fine first and then add the other ingredients.
18:00 PM
  • banana hatMono fruit meal for easy digestion

We avoid the use of fermented foods, salt, grains (except sprouted), caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and all animal products, as well as refined oils. We try to use just a small amount of healthy fat per day, like avocados, nuts and seeds. There are even days when we do not use them at all. To humans fat is tasteless. Even excluding the fatty fruits, fruits and vegetables contain a sufficient amount of fat that will cover our physical needs (between 3-5% of their total calories). Our creator put in most cases a hard shell around the fats. We need only a very limited amount of nuts and seeds. Our Creator put a shell around it to help prevent aging for the sake of easier storage.