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Raw to Health

Search for the Original

Having grown up in a home with a creationist view, I was never been able to believe scientific ideas that evolution could be a viable option to believe in. Believing that the Bible is God's word I understood already in my teens that the body, as the temple of God (1.Corinthians 3:16+17) is to be kept clean. Consequently I chose not to harm my body with smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Realizing the harmful effect of meat, I avoided it also. Out of fear of lacking protein in my diet I consumed more milk products. Having always had a "sweet tooth" I realized toward the end of my medical training that I was on the verge of developing diabetes type II. Knowing from research that a vegan diet is a healthier choice, my wife and I changed to a diet completely free of animal products, and later we avoided refined flours and sugar. With this my symptoms improved.

rawtohealth2Being always interested in disease prevention, I promoted this lifestyle through health talks and Erzsébet with her talent in cooking and baking supported this with cooking demonstrations. Believing that following these health principles would prevent lifestyle related illnesses (Exodus 15:26) I was surprised, after having lived vegan for almost 20 years, to see some of my problems recur and new ones even develop - like a severe pollen allergy, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome and a frozen shoulder. While receiving therapy for the shoulder problem the acid-alkaline balance was introduced to me. Not having known this concept as a physician I was surprised to find out that our Creator, the Great Physician confirmed the concept of alkalinizing for cleansing in Jeremiah 2:22 more than two thousand five hundred years ago.

With a deeper understanding of the influence of diet on this acid-alkaline balance I began to study GOD's original dietary recommendations for man. I realized that seed bearing herbs and fruits (Genesis 1:29)  are still the best choice to keep the system from becoming acidic and consequently diseased.

stepsAfter sin happened in Eden God send man out of that garden. Why did God send man out? He did not want Adam and Eve to have access to the tree of life any more so that sin would not exist forever. This means that the tree had some important nutrients that man had access to from that tree. Reading the last chapter of the Bible (Revelation 22:2) we see that the tree of life bears "twelve manners of fruits" and "leaves", which "were for healing of the nations." This shows that man is designed to eat green leaves too. Since God did not want man to be sick or to die early He gave man after sending him out of the Garden of Eden the "herbs of the field" (Genesis 3:18). This certainly had to be the greens God had originally given to the animals (Genesis 1:30) . With grains belonging to the family of grasses we can conclude that grains did not belong to man's original diet as well as the tubers, which like the grains are high in complex carbohydrates. As the climate before the flood and especially in the Garden of Eden must have been very mild, there was no need to store nutrients for a season, where there was no food available. In addition, believing that there was no pollution from fire in the Garden of Eden we can also be certain that the original diet was a raw food diet.